Member Works

Many of our members have novels and other works in various states of completion.


Check them out in the links below!


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Someone to Believe In


KI's 2023 Write-Off Championship Winner!


Siren is an artist of all trades who fills her time with creation and performance. Zander is an adventurer who is always on the hunt for new challenges and undiscovered wonders. Both are solo acts, beings who make their own way through life and never settle for long in one place or with one person. Both are also immortal in a universe where living forever is a privilege held by very few.


After a chance meeting and a planetwide catastrophe, Siren and Zander agree to work together in an effort to set things right. But when a simple mission goes wrong, these two independent souls might learn that sometimes, even an immortal needs someone else to lean on.

Amaterasu's Marvelous Dawn


What's the Goddess of the Sun to do when she's stuck as a wolf in another universe with limited access to her powers? Why, derail the timeline, lick objects of immense power, and make friends along the way.


Join Amaterasu as she goes on a power-crawling adventure through the MCU, thwarting villains and baffling heroes. No one expects a dog to know martial arts, or move the sun.


Based on the MCU with aspects from the comics.

Another Way


Sue, a lowly comp-sci student with no knowledge of Pokémon, must persevere within their world after waking up as a Gardevoir. With the locals and their language completely alien to her, even the refuge she receives feels uncertain.


Local deities invading her dreams and using her as a pawn don’t help, either.


As Sue uncovers this world’s scarred history, her god-mending task becomes increasingly clear, as does its difficulty. Despite that, and her limited grasp of her own powers, she keeps trying, for her goal remains the same.


To survive and make it home, no matter what.



Magic. Math. Not a whole lot of context.


Two months ago, I was a wormhole navigator, ripping open a hole in the universe to save a ship of people who only vaguely tolerated me. Two weeks ago, long story short, I threaded an impossible path through the void between dimensions to crash-land into a dungeon. You know the kind: monsters to defeat, corridors full of traps to avoid, and magical powers to earn.


I'm not ashamed to admit that it's been two weeks of loneliness, fear, adrenaline, and constant injury. But I'll make it out of here by myself if I have to, or my name isn't Adam Leviathan James.


... too bad the Levi doesn't stand for Leviathan, huh.

From the Vast


In a remote corner of Unova, a Pokémon village hides from the omnipresent, mysterious humanity. Through cooperation, they flourish despite their small size, rising above the uncaring brutality of the natural order. Which works remarkably well...


...until a half dead girl shows up on their doorstep.


Will this hidden pocket of Pokémon civilization remain a secret once humans come looking? Are its denizens prepared to learn just who this unwelcome stranger is, and what impact they’ve already left on their village?

Guardian Knot


After college, Troy Ericsen didn't have much planned. He had saved up through investing, he had paid off his loans. Outside of buying his uncle's old house, there was little he had set in stone. But when he finds a hidden compartment in the desk downstairs, he finds a new world, monstrous beasts, and... orphan adventurers?


With so little known about this world of Mugarde, Troy finds himself taking care of the young elven boy, Alcydes. While he works to support the kid on multiple levels, he has several questions that need answering: Why was there a magical artifact in his uncle's house? What pushed Alcydes to be alone? How much does his family know about the other world? And why are the gods interested in Alcydes and Troy, when he doesn't even know about them?

I Will Strive Beyong This Cursed Bloodline!


Heroes battle in the suburbs and magical girls soar the sky while they battle the dark forces that plague this [World], that is the normal state of things. Among those that live in this [World], there's one girl who's anything but eager to join the ranks of the extraordinary. Elizabeth Starbright, the daughter of legendary superhero [The American Crusader], the father of all [SuperHeroes], and the Magical girl [The Stardust Explorer] the mother of all [Magical Girls]. With a lineage steeped in heroism and magic, one might expect her to follow in her parent's footsteps with gusto, but Elizabeth has other plans.



Earth is Lost.


Driven to the brink of extinction and forced to abandon the surface to the impossibly powerful Kaiju that claimed it. Humanity survives only by delving deep into the Earth’s mantle in Subterranean Arks. Doomed to a slow withering end.


Raymond Ryker isn’t a hero. When humanity created their own giant mechanized combat units to fight against the monsters at their door, he was merely one of thousands to step up and fight for the cause. But the best surviving pilot humanity has ever known doesn’t fight for glory or honor. Not even to save the lives he’s sworn his life to protect. He fights to kill the monsters that took everything from him. To Raymond, every Kaiju he kills is merely one more step towards avenging the countless lives lost, cities destroyed, and the world that was taken from him.

Magical Boy Bombardier


When eldritch horrors known as the Anathema began tearing through reality to invade Earth, aliens calling themselves the Zenith stepped in to protect humanity. Individuals were chosen and gifted with the ability to use magic and advanced technologies to combat the existential threat. Over twenty-one years later, the so-called "Magical Guardians" are still hard at work keeping the peace. With their flashy outfits, superhuman abilities, and reality-defying spells, they are the part-time heroes and full-time idols of modern society.

March Hare


A young Buneary suddenly gains an Earth human's memories, and has to make her way through a Pokémon world that is not nearly as kind as the one she remembers.


Incapable of settling for life as a wild Pokémon, but unwilling to submit to the tyranny of a trainer, she must gather like-minded friends and set out to search for a third way. Or make one.

Mutia & Gee

DJ Firefox

As the third son of a powerful wizard, Gee enjoyed certain privileges. However, being considered nothing more than a mere political tool dampened any sense he had of personal agency.


Disillusioned with his noble lineage, Gee opted for a simpler life as a woodsman in the enchanting yet treacherous valley of Terraides. His chosen path unexpectedly led him to rescue a C'amine girl with a mysterious history of her own.


Yet, as they navigated their newfound connection, they soon realized that the shadows of their pasts refused to remain dormant.

New Beginnings - A Pokemon Slice of Life


Ethan Reed, once an ordinary young man from Earth, finds himself mysteriously transported to the vibrant and wondrous world of Pokemon. Stranded and bewildered, Ethan spends over a year lost in an untamed forest, managing to bide his time and survive while he make sense of his new reality, waiting for rescue. During this time, he creates a little plot of land, all for himself and the surrounding Pokemon---A farm of berry trees, a secluded meadow, and a rough shelter.

One fateful day, Ethan is finally rescued by an experienced Pokémon Ranger named Elise, who helps him arrive at the bustling Eterna City. There, Ethan is introduced to the community of Pokémon trainers, Nurses, and League Officials who welcome him after his harrowing experience. Despite the gentle reception, Ethan feels out of place and uncertain about his future in this unfamiliar world.

Oak: Origins

DJ Firefox

Professor Oak was once a warrior who forced everyone else into submission by force of arms.  But he turned down the title of Champion in pursuit of knowledge instead.


This is the untold story of Samuel Oak's younger years.  The man who would become known as THE Pokemon Professor.

Quill & Still


Sophie Nadash once yearned to understand life and chemistry. Now a disillusioned scientist approaching middle age, she yearns to set aside pipettes and polymerase forever.


A chance encounter with the Goddess Artemis sets her on the path to becoming the Alchemist for the rural Shemmai village of Kibosh, where the rat race gives way to peace and the quiet life. Freed from the hustle of Earth, she can relax, make friends, and rediscover her love for chemistry through its mystical precursor... and come to grips with the Jewish faith she left behind as a child.

Rogue Life - Living After the Loop

Jax Ryder

Based on Pokerogue.


What would you do if you've already outlived everyone and everything you've ever known, forced in a endless cycle of aiming to be the very best stuck in a cruel game by a cruel monster?


What do you do if you beat the monster, and break the cycle, only to find yourself where you began?


How to you live a life after the Loop?

Sky Piercer


Elders are forces of Nature, they cannot be reasoned with, they can only bring destruction, despair and death… At least that is what Valen thought before his beliefs got shattered.


Book I

Sky Render


A decade ago, Valen's life changed forever, due to a chance encounter. Now, today, after becoming a famous and respected Hunter, he's departing for the unknown, towards lands that have been barely explored by the guild, towards the New World.


Book II

The Cursed Gift


Alisa is taken from the only life she has ever known and made to exist with a species she was taught to fear and hate. Suddenly, she's stuck between two vastly different worlds, staring down an unexpected war, when a prophecy is revealed that endangers the existence of all those who are gifted. 


Can she find her true place before time runs out?


Cammy Deer

Dark-type specialist Pokemon fic, a Poochyena, and trouble in Vinewood Town. Survival is making bonds and building on friendships, though no one would advise you do it with a Dark type- after all, they're nearly as bad as Ghosts.

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